Thursday, December 31, 2009

Symptoms of Anorexia.

Symptoms of Anorexia.

People who suffer from anorexia are very good at hiding their symptoms. Therefore it is important to look out for when trying to be certain if someone is anorexic or not. If presented with proof the anorexia may dismiss it out of hand rather than admit to anything. In many case anorexics may not see the physical changes in their bodies which others may see. With this being the case intervention must take place to address the disorder in the early stages before there’s a lot of damage done to the body.
Symptoms of anorexia to watch for:

If the person is thin already and constantly obsessed with dieting only eating certain very low calorie foods. “

Foods which contains the like fats and carbohydrates are rejected.

The anorexic individual will be preoccupied counting calories, and reading labels on all foods before deciding to eat it.

This person lies about eating or only pretends to eat.

In many cases the anorexic person obsesses with food. They will not eat but is thinking constantly about food.

In other case the anorexic person may cook elaborate meals for other‘s while not actually eating any of it.

The anorexic may have odd or strange secret eating habit.

The individual may disappear into the bathroom immediately following a meal, using running water to hide the sounds of vomiting, and re-emerges smelling of mouthwash.

Some anorexics use very strict physical exercises which can also contribute to the damage of the body with rapid weight loss were the skeletal frame can be seen through the skin.

Anorexics often wear baggy clothing to hide this fact from others that they have such a disorder.

For women menstrual periods will cease.

The anoxic may feel cold all the time and constipation and abdominal pains become more prevalent.
Headaches, dizziness, and even fainting are common.
These are just the first effects of anorexia. As the disorder progresses, vital organs in the body begin to feel the damage that is being done.

Problems with Anorexia click here

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Warning Signs of Suicidal Behaviour.


Warning Signs of Suicidal Behaviour.

Suicide is occurs when a person decided that it's better to take their own life instead of living. Because the person feels alone it's important to help them by talking to them and find the right help medical or otherwise before they carry through with a suicide attempt.
Warning signs of suicidal behaviour.

It is not uncommon for a person to suffer from major depression before they decide to commit suicide. The person finds very little to live for or any interest in things connected with their life. If depression is caught in time it can be treated through medication and therapy intervention.

In some cases the suicidal individual would talk about dying to people. They would think of different ways of ending their lives or the way others have ended their lives.
Some one who is contemplating committing suicide may find it hard to sleep. They may sleep for sporadic or long periods throughout the day and night, often times, they'll move from a regular timetable to being restless.
The individual can lossconcentration and show a distinct disinterest in things they once felt were of great importance to them. This maybe a sign they are slipping into major depression.

In some case the individual who are considering suicide will have a loss of appetite.

Watch out for sudden weight loss or that may over-eat.
If a person has low self esteem it can undermine their sense of self, they may feel worthlessness and guilty. They may also begin to hate others.
The individual may have very little interest in things. They may no longer feel that there is any point to setting aims and goals for themselves. The person contemplating suicide may have disinterest in all facets of life.
If a person is contemplating taking their life they may arrange for others to take care of their affairs or arrange indiscreetly for a person to take care of things for them knowing they wish the person they entrust with their possessions to become their owners upon death.

A person may enter in self harm damaging their body. They could loss control very easily or have outbursts of anger or sadness that happens without warning.

It is not uncommon for a person to contemplate committing suicide because they have lost a loved one or there may be a medical history common to the individuals family were suicide may have taken place before.
It is important to seek assistance if you recognize any or all of these signs in a person you have good common knowledge of. With people whom you are less familiar with it is even harder to detect these signs but seeking intervention will show them you care and may help lessen the loneliness they feel.

Suicidal Helpline Click here

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Drug or Substance Abuse


Drug or Substance Abuse

Drug or substance abuse can take its toll on the organs a persons body. Because the body functioning is slowed down when processing toxins and filter the blood, which can lead to breakdown and disease, it is for this very reason that this form of abuse can lead to sudden death. If the brain is continually impaired it can lead to problems with work, family and personal lives.
Warning signs of substance abuse.

If a person has a drug habit they will suffer from irregular sleeping habits awake all night and lethargic during the day. They can be tired one minute and lively the next minute.

Users can loss of interest in things and or perform poorly at tasks, this can be a sign of substance abuse.

Abnormal mood swings are not uncommon. The person may be restless, irritable and violent temper outbursts can occur. A bad attitude is also a constant. Substance abuse can cause low self-esteem, forgetfulness and a loss of motivation.
Eating habits can be altered when there is substance abuse. The individual can be eating binges at weird times or long periods without eating at all, leading to excessive weight gain and loss.

Substance abuse can lead users to steal money, valuables and anything they can get their hands on from anywhere they can, Valuables are stolen and sold to get money for drugs.

A variety of paraphernalia can be a sign of abuse. Examples include pipes, rolling papers, roach clips, butane lighters, syringes and tinfoil rapping’s.

You can also find things used to mask odours such as incense, air fresheners and dryer sheets.

Users may hide stolen goods in or around the dwelling for to sell for drugs.
Physical signs that might indicate substance abuse include the smell of a substance on the breath, excessive sweating, tremors, a puffy face, bad coordination and needle marks on the arms.

Drug Addiction helpline click here

Thursday, December 10, 2009




Obesity is more serious than being a few kilograms or pounds overweight, if you're carrying a lot of fat on your body. Most of the extra fat will lie either around your waist and chest or on your hips and buttocks. Men who are obese tend to have big waists. Women tend to carry extra weight on their hips and lower body.

Obesity can affect you in that having a heavy body can be uncomfortable. And it can also cause other health problems.

You can be short of breath if your heavy moving around can be difficult. So you may get out of breath. If you have a lot of fat around your neck and chest, you may need to take short, shallow breaths. The extra fat makes it difficult for air to flow in and out of your lungs.

You may feel tired if you find it hard to breathe, you may not be getting enough oxygen into your blood. Carrying extra weight can be tiring too and everyday activities become a struggle. It may take a lot of effort to walk short distances.

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Sore joint and muscles may be a problem as you put on weight, your ankles and knees need to work harder. The joints and the muscles in your legs and lower back may become sore and stiff.

If you have folds of fat, the skin under the folds can stay moist from perspiration. This makes it more likely that you'll get a skin infection. The skin under large breasts and buttocks can also rub and become sore.

Varicose veins are swollen, twisted blood vessels. They often look lumpy and blue and they may make your legs ache. They're partly caused by the strain of carrying extra weight.

Women may find that their periods become irregular and may stop altogether. This is because the extra fat can upset the balance of hormones in your body.

You may feel you can't control how much you eat and can't stop eating when you feel full. You may have cravings for different sweet or fatty foods. Some people go on a diet and then eat large amounts of food. Binge eaters are not uncommon they may not be aware they have a eating disorder. If the way you think your eating habits is causing you problems, you may have an eating disorder. Contact your doctor.

Being obese can also affect the quality of your life and the way you feel.

Obesity helpline click here

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Signs of Alcoholism


Alcoholism is the abuse or dependency, to consume a drinks as part of ones daily routine.

Alcohol abusers are drinkers that may drink heavily at various times of the day or night in company or alone. Alcoholism signs for alcohol abusers can be related problems such as drinking and driving, violent episodes, or missing work or events one use to attended on a regular basis. Chronic heavy drinkers that abuse alcohol or are alcoholics drink for a number of reasons. However there are a number of warning signs of alcoholism one should watch out for?

Trembling in the Morning
If the person is trembling in the morning.

The person might drink alone.

Alcoholics often make excuses, to drink.
The person’s physical appearance may change and the may also be untidy.
They may not eat as much or as well as they did in the past.
They appear to drink all the time, because they can’t stop.

They may become angry and annoyed at the least little thing.

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Alcoholic often drink in secret.

They might need drink in order for them to function.
They may not remember things they have done while under the influence of alcohol. intoxicated.

Problem drinking' is a problem when drink causes the problems. Heavy chronic drinking may have health consequences? Heavy drinking can result in damage to the liver, heart, brain and other vital organs. Such severe physical damage may irreversible and result in serious illnesses or even early death.

Alcoholic helpline click here